Global Banjara Baptist Ministries (GBBM)
- Founded in 2003 by Pastor Naik and his wife Sujatha.
- GBBM’s goal is to share the Gospel with the unreached Banjara people of India.
Aletheia Banjara School (ABS).
- School opened in Gurrapu Thanda, a neglected and very backward area.
- The selling of girls due to their perceived worth was common in this region.
- ABS prioritizes female education with donated funds.
- All ABS graduates have pursued higher education.
- Many graduates believe in Jesus, this belief often saves multiple generations.
- Prayer - that every child attending ABS becomes a believer in Jesus.

Pastor Naik’s History
- Born in a small Banjara village to illiterate parents.
- Despite his hatred of Christianity, God saved him.
- Disowned by family, village, and friends (accused of causing the death of older brother because of his faith).
- After 8 years of evangelism and church planting, God led Naik and Sujatha to start GBBM.
- After ministry success, Pastor Naik was persecuted, jailed, and received death threats.
- Sent their 3 children to a Christian boarding school in Mississippi for safety.Â
- The children and host mother were called home to be with God after house fire in Collierville December 23, 2018.
Immediate Needs
- Church planting and pastor funding.
- Sponsorship for children’s school cost.

Ministry Focus Areas
- Evangelism.
- Discipleship.
- Training Leaders.
- Planting Churches.
Resources That Support The Focus Areas
- Education (Alethia Banjara School – ABS).
- Community Development & Humanitarian Aid.
- Agriculture Projects.
BANJARA People Group
The unreached people of India.

GBBM pastors and wives.
Banjara People in India
Live in 23 of the 29 India states.
~ 60 million people.
100,000 villages.

Banjara people were nomads, gypsies, or trading people who traditionally transported goods.
Live in very isolated villages; avoid others.

After India’s independence, most became farmers & laborers working 1 -3 acres of land with no power equipment.

Literacy issues negatively impact farming techniques.
Hard working people

Women going to work.
Nomadic culture & isolation have negatively impacted education and life in general for the Banjara people.

80% of the adult male population cannot read or write.

97% of the adult female population cannot read or write.

An entire village might not have an adult female who can read or write. Majority of Banjara people have not completed 4th grade.
Banjara people are among the poorest people in the world.

Parents typically take their children to work when they are in the fields.
Gathering water at the local village well.

Banjara people are concerned with today’s immediate needs and not the future.
Even with life’s day-to-day challenges...

The Banjara are optimistic, loving people who enjoy fellowship, family, dancing, music, etc.

Children are watching DVD players for the first time.

Religious Views.

Believe In Animism.
- Worship ancestors.
- Afraid of spirits.
- Believe in black magic.
- Practice witchcraft.
Believe in heaven and hell Think:
People go to both.
Time spent in each, based on deeds.

British Rule.
Most who have heard of Christianity reject it because of its association with past British rule.
After 80 years of evangelism, less than half a percent of Banjara people in India are Christians.
Banjara people regularly offer animal sacrifices.

Most Banjara people have never heard the name of Jesus. When asked about Jesus, a typical response is "Jesus, what is that?" Please assist the GBBM CPPs as they share the name of Jesus and the Good News.

Ministry Accomplishments.
Over 1,200 Banjara villages were reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

200 church planters and evangelists were trained.
3,400+ believers baptized.

GBBM 20th Anniversary Celebration 2003 - 2023.
20th Anniversary Highlights.
People heard the Word of God.
People celebrated and praised Jesus.
850 attendees.
50+ people accepted Christ as Savior.
29 people baptized.
85 people committed to evangelize.
Pastor and leaders’ conference.
Female leaders conference.

Women’s Conference and Training Session.

Global Banjara Baptist Ministries International gives all honor and glory to God and thanks Him for His faithfulness to Global Banjara Baptist Ministries International over the past 20 years.