GBBM Monthly Newsletter

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APRIL 2024

Dear Brethren in Christ, greetings from India!
I hope our friends in the US are doing well and enjoying the summer season. In
southern and Central India, we have received some rain as the farmers are
preparing to plant seeds...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

MARCH 2024

Dear Brethren in Christ, greetings from India!
The people of India are currently experiencing two major events, scorching
temperatures, and friction from government elections...


A logo of the international baptist convention.


Dear Brethren in Christ, greetings from India!
We hope this newsletter finds our friends and partners doing well. In India, our
state has not received enough rain. Water levels have depleted in reservoirs and a
scarcity of drinking water is looming...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

MAY 2024

Before I share any further, my sincere apologies for the long delay since the last GBBM newsletter. I was personally going through a spiritual battle; and I fell behind with several administrative task. God is gracious and granted me victory over my struggles. I am positive that this kind of delay will not repeat in future.

A logo of the international baptist convention.


Every year, including 2024, seems to have challenges and highlights as you will read about in this...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

NOV. / DEC. 2023

December was a very hard month for Sujatha and me as December 23rd was the 5th anniversary of our three children’s home-going. I was unable to focus...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


October, November, and December are the most difficult months for Sujatha and me on a personal level. Our son Aaron’s birthday is...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


We don’t know if we should weep for our brethren going through severe daily persecution in other parts of India or if we should be happy that we are not being physically harassed in...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


We praise the Lord for bringing teams to India to encourage and train GBBM leaders. Harvest Church of Memphis sent a team in September

A logo of the international baptist convention.

JULY 2023

Sujatha and I are very excited about our new home that was recently completed. During our 22 years of marriage, Sujatha and I had to

A logo of the international baptist convention.

JUNE 2023

We hope our friends in the US are enjoying a pleasant summer. In my part of India, we finally started receiving much needed rain in June....

A logo of the international baptist convention.

MAY 2023

We hope that our friends in the US are enjoying a pleasant summer. In India, the heat wave continues causing hundreds to die in northern...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

APRIL 2023

I hope our friends in the US are getting ready to enjoy the summer season. In India, we have been experiencing heat waves in May with...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

MARCH 2023

I hope that our friends in the US are enjoying nice spring weather. In India, we have been experiencing heat waves in March and April...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


The GBBM and ABS teams were very thankful as we celebrated Christmas and GBBM’s 20th anniversary over the last few months, but we...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


We praise God for starting the new year with a blessed ministry month. GBBM’s 20th anniversary celebration (January 14th -16th) was filled with the Spirit and Love of God. Some highlights from the celebration...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


I am writing this letter with mixed emotions. We are very excited and grateful as we reflect on God’s amazing work among the Banjara...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


Sujatha and I thank God for bringing us safely back to India. We had a wonderful time visiting with our friends and brothers and sisters in...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


Greetings from India and the Memphis, TN area where Sujatha and I are enjoying the cool fall weather. Our trip to the United States has been...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


Greetings from India and the US (Sujitha and I landed in NY 9/20/2022). The heat wave in India finally broke, and all are thankful for the...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


Greetings from India and the GBBM family. We hope that our friends and partners in the US have enjoyed the summer months and that...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

JULY 2022

I hope this month’s newsletter encourages and inspires you. Too often, we can become so focused on what is ahead, on what I need to...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

JUNE 2022

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation time. I understand from my conversations with friends in the US that it has...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

MAY 2022

Nehemiah and Amala are believers and through them several Banjara people have been led to Christ. Before being saved, they...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

APRIL 2022

During the March training meeting, we studied 49 commandments from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The study was a wonderful...

A logo of the international baptist convention.

MARCH 2022

During GBBM monthly church planter meetings, each pastor shares ministry activity information for the villages they serve...

A logo of the international baptist convention.


Nehemiah and Amala are believers and through them several Banjara people have been led to Christ. Before being saved, they worshiped Hindu Gods and idols. They were baptised in 1999 and know that only through the love and forgiveness of Jesus are sinners saved...