A cross on top of a hill with trees in the background.

The History Of GBBMI And The Banjara People, As Told By GBBMI Founder Doug Matthews

During my first visit to India, it was obvious to me that the Lord loves the Banjara people. Countless individuals who have walked the dusty roads of India have amazing stories to tell of God demonstrating His love for the Banjara people.

In my experiences, when God is moving dramatically, it is as if you are a stick in a fast-moving river, carried along by the currents to places you do not know. During the early days with Global Banjara Baptist Ministries International and the Banjara people, I often felt like God was moving us at a rapid pace.

From 2003 to 2005, I was volunteering with a ministry named E3Partners, helping to lead short-term mission trips to Africa and Asia. A mission trip to India was scheduled, but due to health issues, the leader could not go, and I was asked to take this trip. In 2005, I landed in Hyderabad, India for the first time and met Pastor Srinivas Naik. God used the personalities (both the good and the in-need-of-refinement) of Srinivas and me to develop a vision for a ministry focused on the Banjara people centered in Garrapu Thanda, India.

In 2007, Bob Crandall filed paperwork with the IRS to form a non-profit named Global Banjara Baptist Ministries, International. In the beginning, I hoped we could raise $500 to $750 a year to help offset ministry costs, but God showed me my vision was too small.

The next year, we stood in a dry field outside the Garrapu Thanda, praying God would allow us to start a school. God answered this prayer, and Aletheia Banjara School (ABS) started, and now graduates of the school are graduating college.

Global Banjara Baptist Ministries International had a vision that churches from the United States would partner with us to spread the Gospel among the Banjara people. Collierville Bible Church and Fellowship Bible Church of Waco quickly accepted the call. Since this time, other churches and individuals have become faithful supporters of the ministry and the ABS school. From 2009 until 2014, my family and I lived in Singapore so we could be closer to India and the Banjara people.

When God is moving among his people, the rivers of faith can flow rapidly. However, throughout all these events, one thing was consistently affirmed to me: God loves the Banjara people.

We hope you enjoy reviewing the Global Banjara Baptist Ministries International website and reading about the amazing things God has done among the Banjara people over the past 20 years through this ministry. We humbly thank everyone who has joined us in this wonderful ministry for the Banjara people and ask others to prayerfully consider partnering with Global Banjara Baptist Ministries International as we share the Good News with the ABS students and the millions of lost Banjara people in the thousands of villages in India.